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In this episode, Joel and Antonia chat with Enneagram experts Dr. Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes about the spiritual uses of the Enneagram.

In this podcast you’ll find:

  • Enneagram Workshop with Beatrice Chestnut and Oranio Paes
  • Mayton Inn
  • The Way of the Symbol
  • Using the Enneagram symbol to deal with traumas energetically trapped inside of us
  • The circle is important
  • In the workshop, you begin the exercise by standing on your Enneagram number which has been placed on the floor
  • The arrow lines go back and access early traumas then move forward to get a glimpse of the future.
  • Joel is a 6. So he stood on the symbol at #6 then went back to 9 to shore up inner power then brought back to 6 and over to 3, which is his future.
  • Everyone was there for different reasons. Some had trauma trapped in their body, and some wanted achievement.
  • Interview with Beatrice and Eranio:
    • Eranio was the first president of the Brazilian Enneagram Institute.
    • Beatrice is the author of our program Enneagram Roadmap as well as the author of The Complete Enneagram: 48 Paths to Greater Self-Knowledge
    • Eranio’s phrase: “Spiritual work without psychological work is dangerous. Psychological work without spiritual work is incomplete.”
    • We need to see psychological and spiritual development as the same thing.
    • Some people do spiritual bypass by looking for spiritual experiences without doing the hard work of touching wounds and traumas.
    • Other people get too involved with psychological development and try to find wound after wound without going through the transcendental path of healing, which involves spirit.
    • People need to shift to other forms of work, techniques, and therapists, or they risk getting caught in a comfort zone.
    • Vacuum in the heart.
    • When people get interested in Enneagram, they stop short of what they need to work on to face their core issues.
    • There’s no bypass.
    • If you’re doing the work, you must face your shadow.
    • Persephone’s world.
    • The Enneagram is a profoundly spiritual tool.
    • Access higher potential thru transcending the ego
    • If you look at the Enneagram symbol, you see a time machine.
    • If you follow the arrows back, you go back in time to your childhood
    • If you go with the arrow, you go to the future.
    • When we go against the arrow, we meet our child and can get in touch with our wounds or our soul.
    • The child was more in touch with the soul
    • Arrows against are called the “soul child point.”
    • Enneagram is a holistic system where we can explore past & future. Explore psychological wounds and get in touch with the spirit
    • If people experience it physically, it makes more sense.
    • Half an hour after doing the work, some people don’t even remember doing the work because it was so intense.
    • But their bodies remember.
    • We need to trust the body more. Our society is too dominated by the mind and too disconnected from the body.
    • There are three centers of intelligence: head, heart, and body.
    • We tend to rely on one center more than the other two.
    • Any human being using only one center is not a human being.
    • We need to use all three centers
  • Could there be something spiritual imbued in our work with Myers-Briggs?
  • Myers-Briggs is more of a psychological tool. There isn’t much spirituality to it.
  • We knew there was something incomplete in the Myers-Briggs system.
  • A lot of our community are transcending a faith background or changing their relationship with it.
  • Much of organized spirituality does miss the psychological piece.
  • Having a profoundly religious background doesn’t guarantee a spiritual connection.
  • Religion doesn’t equal spirituality.
  • Many people try desperately to find spirituality in organized religion, and they are left with a void.
  • How does each of us need to interact with the spiritual/sacred?
  • Nothing in our world is one-size-fits-all.
  • We have to follow this road, or there is going to be a big piece missing.
  • It puts our brains and our soul in a vice when we try to force ourselves into a spiritual mold that doesn’t fit.
  • The Enneagram is endlessly expandable.
  • Imagine the Enneagram symbol as a 3D sphere.
  • See numbers as stations of development as you go. Like Spiral Dynamics.
  • Let’s assume most of humanity is at station one.
  • Few people leave the first station of awareness.
  • The masses choose not to do the work.
  • Those who do the work can be the avatars for millions of others.
  • Growth will never be accessible to everyone. Not everyone chooses that path.
  • Be true to the message and let people interact with it in the way they will.
  • “The bigger the light, the bigger the shadow.”
  • The more growth work you do, the more you are stepping into the light/awareness, and you’re going to see some serious shit in your life.
  • There’s an opportunity cost that comes with growth. The opportunity to live a more mundane life.
  • There are benefits of living a templatized life.
  • “Don’t you wish you had taken the blue pill?”
  • The Enneagram symbol has shock points.
  • Those who do personal growth generate a resource that becomes available to the rest of the world.
  • Enneagram Instincts: Social, Sexual, Self-Preservation
    • Social: relationships, tribe
    • Self-preservation: protecting physicality. Safety
    • Sexual: survival strategies based on bonding
      • Instinctual sequence:
      • 1st: dominant,
      • 2nd: secondary,
      • 3rd: repressed
  • Repressed is different than a blind spot.
  • Repressed is something we don’t want to see. Like a beach ball, we keep pushing underwater.
    • Sexual repressed: The urge to merge. Merging with our subtle bodies, not just physical.
    • Self-preservation repressed: Be quiet with self. Find the sacred within. Work with basic life structures.
    • Social repressed: To be leaders. Reach out and do the thing they resist the most – to be seen.
  • The dominant instinct’s first work is to live it fully. Respect the animal.
  • Then stop the instinct from over functioning. Tame it.
  • The conceits of each type.
  • All the fears and concerns we struggle with are the things that our type does the best.
  • Beatrice/Eranio online resources
  • A lot of Carl Jung’s concepts were spiritual.
  • “Do you know why insights come at 1:30 in the morning? It’s when we are the least stubborn.”
  • Is there a spiritual aspect to Myers-Briggs?

In this episode, Joel and Antonia chat with Enneagram experts Dr. Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes about the spiritual uses of the Enneagram. #myersbriggs #enneagram

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  • Adam Baillio
    • Adam Baillio
    • November 2, 2019 at 1:39 am

    Hi, my name is Adam. INFJ and sexual 9.
    I really felt engaged with this episode (enough to come out of my shell and write something). Thank you for your continued work with the podcast. You really do create valuable content and I cherish what I’ve learned. I truly feel like I am a better person from following what I’ve learned from your podcast.
    This episode specifically spoke to me because I actually built my own personality profiling system based on spiritual concepts. The goal for the system is to create an experience that sends the subconscious through the Hero’s Journey with the result of personal growth through a spiritual experience! I recognize the negative connotation of the word hero – we want to avoid the hero/villain/victim triangle. But I see the Hero’s Journey as the transformational experience we need to level up. To connect to Spirit. To touch the unknowable and come back to reality a changed person.
    I’m interested to hear what comes of this series on the enneagram. The funny thing for me is that I’ve always gotten a sense that enneagram was rooted in spirituality. To the extent that I was surprised by people who didn’t see it! But I can see the potential and hopefully I can manifest the improvements the path promises.

  • Kate Latham
    • Kate Latham
    • October 31, 2019 at 6:08 pm

    Antonia PLEASE! You must!… I wouldn’t even consider the typical Women’s Conference nonsense. But you would bring a whole new direction to it. Sign me up! Want some help? I’ll brainstorm it with you.

  • Ty
    • Ty
    • October 30, 2019 at 3:10 am

    Sounds like you’re not totally there (yet… :) ) but just going to chime in and say we absolutely NEED work with women that is very different than what we’ve got now. This mentally links in my mind with what Joel was saying about having to let go of being able to reach everyone. You would draw in a particular audience- an audience who, right now, has absolutely nothing for them.

    Also, re: Jung. Have you read “Memories, Dreams, Reflections”? It illuminates his personal spiritual life quite a bit. Also, I just went to a lecture/workshop hosted by Oregon Friends of C.G. Jung and presented by Jeffrey Raff called “Living the Imaginal Life: Dreams, Active Imagination and Synchronicity”. He’s written a book called “Jung and the Alchemical Imagination” that sounds like it might be what you’re looking for.

    The first two sentences describing it on Amazon, “Jung and the Alchemical Imagination illustrates the spiritual nature of Jungian psychology and the debt it owes to the tradition of esoteric religion. Unlike other books on Jung and alchemy which contain a psychological interpretation of alchemical material, this work uses alchemy to understand the three cornerstones of Jungian spirituality—the self, the transcendent function, and active imagination.”

  • Seely
    • Seely
    • October 30, 2019 at 9:36 pm

    Not to derail the enneagram conversation, but perhaps you, Antonia, relate to Athena? I noted the intuition and thinking combination in this and other online descriptions-

    “Pallas Athena is intelligent and cerebral. She is the weaver of patterns, linking ideas together. She is strategic command in both the warrior and the peaceful general.
    ….Like Libra, she can see both sides. She is not blind justice… she is only just.”

    Also, in regards to energy work- how likely would it be to find a ExTJ/IxTJ in that field?

  • Seely
    • Seely
    • October 29, 2019 at 9:55 pm

    Strangely enough, my co-worker brought up the idea of psychology/spirituality yesterday. Synchronicity? ☺

    I’m a possibly a 594, and I find the subtypes interesting, but so far haven’t pinpointed mine. Will need to order Beatrice Chestnut’s book to clarify my thinking on it. Have been greatly enjoying her enneagram videos on YouTube though.

    At a university in my city you could take courses on Jung through the religion department (not psychology) because they said he was considered a mystic. It was nice to hear you exploring the concept of archetypes in your Goddesses in Every Woman podcasts. As a writer and a fan of psychology, I enjoy the way my interests merge in the creation of characters. The arts are another area that marry well with psychology- in both creation and interpretation.

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