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In this episode, Joel and Antonia give very practical tips and advice on how to explain personality type to newbies.

In this podcast you’ll find:

  • The challenge of explaining a person’s type to them at a concrete level.
  • How to start by using the dichotomies to explain type to people in your life.
  • The four dichotomies:
    • Introvert or Extravert
    • Sensor or iNtuitive
    • Thinker or Feeler
    • Judger or Perceiver
  • Using the dichotomies to spark interest through their practical application
    • What are some access points for this?
  • How to explain the difference between Introvert and Extravert:
    • The benefit of this dichotomy being in the public consciousness – and how to take it deeper
    • How to give the gift of catharsis and permission to both Introverts and Extraverts
  • How to explain the difference between Sensor and iNtuitive:
    • Using The Ladder of Abstraction by S.I.Hayakawa as an illustrative tool for this dichotomy
    • Talking about their relationship with imagination versus reality
    • The different pain points between Sensors and iNtuitives with this dichotomy
    • How this dichotomy shows up in relationships
  • How to explain the difference between Thinker and Feeler:
    • What role do feelings play in how both types make their decisions?
    • How to show a thinker that you understand they have feelings
    • The gift of catharsis for feelers
  • How to explain the difference between Judger and Perceiver:
    • It’s the most difficult dichotomy to explain – here’s our definition
    • The world favours Judgers – but why they need the gift of permission to relax
    • Showing perceivers the leverage point of “focus”
  • More about how you can give someone a gift through explaining their dichotomy preference
  • Quick tips for making this simple
  • Our assignment for you (should you choose to accept it!) 🙂

In this episode Joel and Antonia give very practical tips and advice on how to explain personality type to newbies. #myersbriggs #personality

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  • Michael
    • Michael
    • March 15, 2020 at 11:22 pm

    Regarding the dichotomy of N and S, I 100% related with the idea that Sensors can feel some catharsis when realizing how Intuitives interact with information. I’m an ISTJ and there was an ENFP in some of my law school courses (there were many ENxx’s in my first year classes). I didn’t start learning about personality until halfway through the first year of law school, but throughout the year, he would pose random hypothetical situations about the area of law we were discussing. I was always frustrated when he would start these conversations because, in my head, I saw it irrelevant to the lesson and distracting. Eventually, I grew to understand that (a) this was just how he (and the other Intuitives in my classes) preferred to engage with the material, and (b) I was frustrated because I wasn’t holding space as an Introverted Sensor for his Extraverted Intuition driver process. Once I began to understand this dichotomy more, class discussions throughout law school were SO much easier, and I was able to hold way more space for that learning process. Just wanted to share that experience :)

  • Erik Bland
    • Erik Bland
    • March 6, 2020 at 12:21 pm

    Bessie is a real cow, and it’s really inconsiderate to think of her as “value”!

    …I’m joking.

    What do you think of the following examples, which I often use to differentiate sensing (S) vs intuition (N) and judging (J) vs perceiving (P)? Are these accurate, or overly-simplistic?

    S vs N – I think of S as being interested in fact, and N being interested in theory.

    J vs P – I like Joel and Antonia’s definition here (external vs internal freedom). I like to use lunch as a concrete example. A stereotypical Judger would eat the same thing for lunch every day to free up mental real-estate to do whatever they want with it, rather than worry about what they’re going to eat for lunch. A stereotypical Perceiver would leave their lunch options open so they can eat whatever, whenever, and wherever they want when lunch time arrives, rather than restricting themselves to a specific meal and schedule.

  • Becca
    • Becca
    • March 3, 2020 at 4:31 am

    A source of confusion that I’ve noticed around the E/I dichotomy is extroverts who are clinically depressed thinking they are introverts. One of my friends who is an ENFP thinks she is an introvert because of fact that she isolates herself, no longer enjoys being around people, and feels sad. In reality though, she is really an extrovert suffering from clinical depression. When she isn’t depressed, she engages in a lot of activity in the outer world, and I know she’s an extrovert because she doesn’t take the time to think about what she says before she says it the way an introvert would. The point here is that having any sort of mental illness makes it difficult to accurately type/see yourself, because mental illness symptoms cause those suffering to think and behave in ways they otherwise wouldn’t if they were healthy. Another side point: why do people think that suffering from depression or social anxiety only occurs for introverts? I’ve noticed this too, where extroverts think they are introverts because they suffer from social anxiety. I just want to put this out there that you can have depression and/or social anxiety that cause you to adopt what some consider “introverted behaviors” (e.g. isolating from others) AND still be an extrovert!

  • Bethany Dugas
    • Bethany Dugas
    • March 3, 2020 at 12:07 am

    Interesting to see the comment above from another judger. As an intuitive primary (INTJ) I have not always been at peace with the judger aspect of my personality because it can feel at odds with the freedom of my imagination. I often come across to people who don’t know me well as being very controlled, organized, unspontaneous and simply not fun. If they get to know me better they are often shocked at how unconventional I am in some of my beliefs or at how imaginative I am. I had a great sense of catharsis when I learned about personality types and how judgers structure the outer world so they can have inner world freedom. It was a big aha and I was able to explain to the perceivers in my life (my husband for one) that organizing my outer world helps me feel comfortable to take time exploring my imagination. The most interesting, “fun” part of myself is often what I can pull from my own mental wanderings, I just need to get the serious stuff in the outer world taken care of.

  • Rey
    • Rey
    • March 2, 2020 at 7:49 pm

    ENFJ here. Last week I met with a career advisor (ENFP) who sounded almost doubtful when she told me that my J would be appreciated in some environments. Is the pendulum beginning to swing in this dichotomy, in terms of which is valued more by society? I am starting to notice people feeling like they need to apologize for liking to organize things. As lives become fuller, it makes sense to me that the ability to respond would become more highly valued. Still, it stung a little to think there are alot of people who wouldn’t want to work with me just because I am motivated to dig in and do the work to organize things so other people can find them.???

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