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In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk with guest Michael F. Schein about his new book “The Hype Handbook” and the usefulness of hype to create change in the world.

In this podcast you’ll find:

  • Michael F. Schein, author of The Hype Handbook, shares some wisdom from his book.
  • Why Joel, as an ENFP, resonates so strongly with the concept of hype.
  • Why Michael felt it was imperative to write about hype.
  • What exactly does hype mean?
    • How the word hype can be misconstrued.
    • What actually influences people.
    • Is knowing how to influence people a bad thing?
    • Are we all being jerked around by hype?
    • What does blood pressure have to do with hype?
  • Some strategies and pitfalls of hype.
    • Why hype makes our lives more interesting.
    • How hype helps artfulness.
    • How science is being used to create hype.
    • What picking a fight to create hype means.
    • When hype is used for bad purposes.
  • Why it is so important for you to be aware of hype.
    • Why the people who are good at hype are running the world right now.
    • Why some nefarious and ill-intentioned people use hype so well.
    • How pick-up artists use hype to their advantage.
    • What spotting hype does for you.
    • How you can transform the world for the better through hype.
  • Understanding how our brains are actually designed.
    • The mental shortcuts we survive on.
    • Why we should question some of our assumptions in life.
  • How hype is used by Myers-Briggs enthusiasts.

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1 comment

  • IxTx?
    • IxTx?
    • January 15, 2021 at 6:35 pm

    You often comment in your episodes that you hope you’re not talking in too abstract terms, so that listeners doesn’t understand, but i very rarely find that to be the case.

    However this time, you most certainly did, for me anyway. What the author said in the last ten minutes was relatively clear, but for the better part of the episode it seemed like you already need to have a thorough understanding of what hype is and how and why it’s created in order to understand anything at all of what’s being discussed.

    I think the people who needs to know this the most are us who have good ideas but no talent or knowledge of how to spread them (dare I typistically generalize it enough to say “us IxTx:s”?, or at least the less “personally grown” of us).

    I think a comparison of the reverse would be to try to teach some advanced calculus to someone who barely have a concept of what multiplication is…

    Sour comment perhaps, but I hope the criticism is constructive.

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