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In this episode, Joel and Antonia have a free-form intuitive conversation about the paradox of personality types and cognitive functions.
In this podcast you’ll find:
- What is a paradox in the context of personality type?
- The concept of paradoxical thinking.
- How do paradoxes typically show up in the cognitive functions?
- Some paradoxes that Joel and Antonia hold.
- Why do introverted functions seem to be better at holding paradoxes?
- How the introverted and extraverted functions inform each other.
- Diving into each of the cognitive functions and the paradoxes they can hold – check out the Car Model to find your functions
- The introverted functions:
xxTPs – Accuracy (Ti):
- The paradox of contradictory logic or thought
xxFPs – Authenticity (Fi):
- Paradoxes within “cocktails of emotions”
- Why the introverted judging functions don’t have a need for reconciliation in the same way the extraverted judging functions do
xSxJs – Memory (Si):
- The paradox being shaped by both your environment and your unique impressions
- How can this help someone accept past trauma?
xNxJs – Perspectives (Ni):
- The paradoxical nature of holding different perspectives
- The paradox of making a simulation become a reality
- Why are our introverted functions reluctant to let go of paradoxical thinking?
- The Introvert movement – how this shows us that all personality types can benefit from paradoxical thinking.
- How do the extraverted functions differ in their relationship with paradoxes?
- More about Accuracy (Ti) and Authenticity (Fi) and the benefits they bring through holding paradoxes.
Why the decision a person executes doesn’t always reflect the paradoxical views they hold beneath the surface.
- A personal example from Antonia
- The extraverted functions:
xxFJs – Harmony (Fe):
- Setting up systems to meet multiple needs
xxTJs – Effectiveness (Te):
- Reconciling conflicting goals and outcomes
xSxPs – Sensation (Se):
- How does Se manage to be both part of and separate to its environment?
xNxPs – Exploration (Ne):
- How can Ne have endless possibilities but end up with none?
- Looking at the cognitive function polarities as paradoxical opposites:
Harmony (Fe) and Accuracy (Ti):
- Fe and recognizing the need for truths
- Ti and “using honey not vinegar”
Effectiveness (Te) and Authenticity (Fi):
- How do you accommodate individuality within a complex system?
Sensation (Se) and Perspectives (Ni):
- How can Se benefit from insight?
- The benefit of taking action for Ni
Exploration (Ne) and Memory (Si):
- How can Ne help Si past rumination?
- How can Ne gain wisdom from Si?
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Aw, thank you so much!
I have actually gone through a bunch of your shadow function information (albeit not all); it’s mostly just that my “Accuracy” function is constantly searching for more info in general. I think I will go back through your podcast list and see what other content I can find.
Thanks for the pointer!
Petition to make the plural of paradox… paradise.
I agree with your paradoxical example (some people should not be alive), and it’s similar to my own paradoxical belief about communism.
In theory, on paper, it is a “perfect” political and economic system… but it leaves out the biggest contributing factor to it’s failure of success; human nature.
It would be great if we all had purely altruistic intentions for our fellow humans, but clearly we do not. Humans are very flawed, and someone will always find a way to exploit the system for their own gain. Without fail.
You’re coming up against all the ‘your episodes are too long!’ emails.
That said, sorry we short changed you on the perceiving function polarity paradoxes. I’ll see if I can weave more into a future episode.
With my Ti, I have no problems saying n/0=∞. That would mean than that 0×∞ can be any n (1, 2, 3, etc). Which is an infinite-fold set of contradictions! So the mathematics convention (driven by Te) won’t simply use the ∞; they instead call it “undefined”. I see no problem in just saying that working with infinity (i.e. infinitely large) and zero (infinitely small, basically) is what leads to an ambiguity producing any possible finite number inbetween.
I’m loving your thoughtful comments, William!
We’ve done a few podcasts on the shadow functions, but the episode names vary. As we continue to catch up on podcast notes they’ll be easier to locate.