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In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk with guest host Dr. Dario Nardi about the influences that color your personality type.

In this podcast you’ll find:

  • Guest host Dr. Dario Nardi joins.
  • Addressing the tendency to call out mistypes within the community – is this responsible behavior, and does it fail to account for the natural nuance and variation within a person’s type?
  • Dr. Nardi shares his experiences with Exploration (Ne) and why this has led to people typing him as an ENFP.
  • What are some of the biggest influences that affect how individuals of the same type can show up?
    • Which factors have the biggest influence?
    • Understanding the role of age
  • Dr. Nardi’s experience with Exploration (Ne) while he was a guest in Joel and Antonia’s house.
  • How individual circumstances can cause paradigmatic variations within people of the same type.
  • The powerful impact religious-cultural experiences have on our wiring.
  • Looking at type within and beyond the definitions as Carl Jung intended.
  • An overview of the growth of the type community over the last century, the ethics and principles this was based on, and how these have become lost over time.
    • How our relationship to “authority” and “experts” has changed with society and our access to information.
  • What are Dr. Nardi, Joel, and Antonia’s intentions when examining the type community’s ethics?
  • Dr. Nardi talks about utilizing type models through a mechanistic versus humanistic perspective.
  • The value of practical application and seeing type play out in real-world scenarios.
  • Understanding the context of this conversation if you’re still trying to identify your best-fit type.
  • What does it mean to value typology systems through results-based criteria?
  • What are Joel, Antonia, and Dr. Nardi’s best-fit types?!
  • Learn more about Dr. Nardi and his work at or

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  • Cindy
    • Cindy
    • September 13, 2021 at 8:51 pm

    Loved the podcast. I’m a 62 year old INFP female. I’ve been with type since my mid 30s when I read ‘Please Understand Me" by Keirsey. I also went to a week long training back then to become “certified” by CAPT. I haven’t used it. Just wanted to have fun meeting with people and talking about type. I went to an APTI conference and had a great time. Met Otto Kroeger. He’s the only one I remember.

    Like Isabel Myers, I’ve been married to an ISTJ, for 41 years. That has certainly influenced my behavior and way of thinking a great deal. We are now at the point where we can finish each other’s sentences. We’ve also divided into “camps”. He handles all of the finances, fixing things, technical things, etc. I handle the social side, cooking, worked as an SLP, etc. Problem with that is, I’m certainly not learning how to handle finances (although, I know I can), fix things, learn more technical things. I know this is making me less rounded and bugs me from time to time. But…I do really understand where a person of a very different type is coming from and have come to accept it and love him dearly.

    My father was an INFP and a minister. We were very poor, so I went an opposite direction. I majored in computer science when I graduated from high school. I was determined not to follow his path. So…I strove very hard to become more ESTJ. I eventually ended up in an ESTJ type position, made the decisions, was the head of a project with an assistant, two secretaries and eight other professionals working under my supervision. After that job, I have no difficulties making decisions and pulling out my ESTJ role when necessary. So…I don’t have the stereotypical difficulties of a “P” person with making decisions, setting goals and meeting them.

    Point being…is that your relationships do very much affect you, but it’s very much how you react to that person and relationship as well. I very much loved my father but “transcended” my religion and totally hated being poor and being judged as a “preachers daughter”.

    At 62, I’m very much like other 50+ year olds (according to what I’ve read). I know who I am, I’ve “been there, done that” and am very confident with myself. That’s the brain becoming more organized and the wiring becoming more fixed. Now…I have to be careful and make sure I let it get too fixed and get my brain “plasticized”. (love neurology, studied it a lot as an SLP-Speech/Language Pathologist"

    Just a few thoughts. Thank you for your podcast.


  • Jen Aldinger
    • Jen Aldinger
    • September 8, 2021 at 9:20 pm

    Joel – just had to say that I noticed how you needed to qualify the sound quality different between yourselves and Dario. This theme comes up a lot for you and I appreciate this “ism” that you have. Thanks for being you. Also – loved this episode thanks always for the rich conversation and putting this content out there ❤️

  • Justine G
    • Justine G
    • August 29, 2021 at 12:01 pm

    Thanks, yes I knew you weren’t taking umbrage with expansion on the system, I’m sorry if I gave a different impression.

  • Antonia Dodge
    • Antonia Dodge
    • August 30, 2021 at 8:59 pm

    I think misread your original post – my bad. Please keep commenting, I really appreciate them.


  • Antonia Dodge
    • Antonia Dodge
    • August 28, 2021 at 3:13 pm

    If I’m not mistaken and my memory serves, our discussion wasn’t taking umbrage with expansion on the system, but rather redefining established principles. What you’re talking about is expanding on the topic, which is inevitable as (I said quoting Robert Anton Wilson), “Any good model… can be expanded upon indefinitely.”

    Altering definitions of cognitive function isn’t the same thing. My observation is that it’s often a misunderstanding or confusion of the original principle, not taking an idea further and test-iterating it.


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