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In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk about the frustration that some can face when they are either mistyped or can’t find their best fit type and the benefits of going through this journey.
In this podcast you’ll find:
The value in starting your discovery journey with the wrong best-fit type.
- How does it feel when you find your best-fit personality type?
- Why this journey puts the Myers-Briggs® system in its proper role.
- Why we may relate to functions that are not in our stack.
How landing on your best-fit type can become conflated with your ability to understand personality types as a system.
- Why this can feel like an ego hit to someone within the type community.
- The signaling we project when attempting to correct another person’s type.
- What’s a helpful way to reframe this topic if you don’t know, or are re-examining your best-fit type?
- Why type-specific growth advice can still be helpful – even if you turn out not to be that type.
- Why we can sometimes be unconsciously drawn to the “thrashing” phase of our type journey.
What makes it so difficult to land on your best-fit type in the first place?
- A note on the intuitive bias.
- The role stereotypes play into our ability to understand the opposite preferences.
- “Falling in love with falling in love” – why we can be tempted to stay in the exploration stage of our type journey.
What happens when we serve ”type”, rather than use it as a tool to serve us?
- What does a healthy and rewarding relationship with type look like?
- A note to those feeling discouraged in the discovery part of their type journey.
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I am not certain what my personality type is. I believe I am an NP type, but I am not sure about the other letters. Two of my greatest strengths are my ability to predict other people, and explain information. I also solve problems in such a way that clashes with other types. I tend to jump into a situation and trouble shoot until I find the answer. Does this describe any set of functions.
Hi Jess,
I would definitely say so. Happiness and imagination are two basic components of being a human. The kinds of things one thinks about as well as the emotions one feels are the emergents of incredibly complex systems, and only one node in that system is personality type.
At a very basic level, all that “INTP” means is what you find in the cognitive function stack. Sure, Ti is a non-emotional function and Fe is the inferior function for IxTPs, but those functions primarily dictate information that is focused and decided upon, rather than the actual emotions felt.
I personally am in the process of discovering whether my type is INTP or INFP, and whichever type is my best fit, I can tell you that I really enjoy social settings and more fun, imaginative conversation as well. I can’t say I relate to struggling to understanding people, but I do relate to difficulty connecting with them.
Best of luck while you figure this out. You might have heard this already, but I’d recommend figuring out whether Ne or Ti contains more natural talent for you and what your loop looks like when figuring out your type.
XNTP here. I think I’m an INTP, but if I am, I’m a rather happy extroverted one. I was a very happy, imaginative child. I like people. I just don’t understand them. Can an INTP be a naturally happy, imaginative person?
I think you also have to acknowledge that a lot of people have self esteem issues from childhood abuse and have had loads of unhealthy messaging that their natural ways of being is flawed or shamefull. Therefore, type jumping is a way of escaping yourself. It’s very sad (I’m doing it myself) and comes from deep grief and a feeling of not being enough.
Thanks, this has been helpful as I’m currently really struggling to figure it out. I get typed as INFJ on every test (written and online) but I question this as that community talks about mistype a lot. Many aspects fit but some don’t and on this journey I’ve also landed on ISFP as a possibility as well. I think the thing I probably need to look at next while painful is E or I… something that would be hard for me because everything in my bones screams Introvert but maybe it’s possible that I’m just not overly extroverted? The more I research the more discouraged and confused I feel. I’m almost ready to give up. I’ll really laugh if I’m actually INFJ though.