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In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk with Profiler Training alumni, Gary Williams about his lived experience as an INFJ personality type.


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In this podcast you’ll find:

  • Guest Host Gary, INFJ, joins.
  • Download our INFJ Personality Type Handy Guide to learn about the INFJ functions.
  • How did Gary discover his personality type?
  • Why does Gary choose to use his Copilot Harmony (Extraverted Feeling) to show up with an energy that seems more extraverted than introverted?
  • Is it important for Gary to have time alone?
  • What advice would Gary give to an Introvert getting into their extraverted Copilot?
  • How does Gary use Perspectives (Introverted Intuition) to make sure that he will have enough energy in social settings?
    • What important purpose does Gary’s Sensation (Extraverted Sensing) 3 Year Old serve?
  • Gary shares some important considerations in how he has designed his life.
  • Why has Gary overidentified with his Accuracy 10 Year Old function (Introverted Thinking)in the past to the extent that he mistyped himself twice?
  • How is it for Gary to be a man who has a preference for Harmony (Extraverted Feeling)?
  • How does Gary use Accuracy (Introverted Thinking) and Harmony (Extraverted Feeling) to help others get to the truth?
  • Can an INFJ feel like they are more harsh than they actually are?
  • What is Gary’s relationship to his Sensation (Extraverted Sensing 3 Year Old )?
  • Which INFJ stereotypes does Gary identify with and which does he not identify with?
  • What advice would Gary give to his younger self?

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We want to hear from you. Leave your comments below…


  • Rachel
    • Rachel
    • May 4, 2022 at 6:20 am

    Thank you. I will definitely have a listen.

  • Antonia Dodge
    • Antonia Dodge
    • May 3, 2022 at 7:03 pm

    We did a 5 part podcast series on “The Tools!”


  • Rachel
    • Rachel
    • May 3, 2022 at 5:52 pm

    I agree with all the above. My adolescence was very like this and I struggle with the same things. I will definitely look into getting this book “The tools”. I have already read Personality Hacker and love it!

  • Bobby Young
    • Bobby Young
    • May 3, 2022 at 1:02 pm

    While much of what you said makes sense, I would add this. I am an INFJ. My ex wife was an ISFJ. It seems we should have been similar, but we weren’t… at all.

    Her Si didn’t pattern recognize by throwing ideas around in her head. We ended up in constant misunderstandings, because the way we thought of things was so different. Abstract concepts and peering behind the curtain, didn’t ever occur to her. She was more attached to finite or concrete past experiences and how they made her feel. She was very in tune with the real world, fitting in and appearing “normal”. Routine and a sense of nostalgia were corner stones for her. She was extremely task orientated and just couldn’t understand how someone might forget things, such as picking up the milk on the way home.

  • Bobby Young
    • Bobby Young
    • May 3, 2022 at 12:24 pm

    I am an INFJ; I am 40 years old. I identified with much of what Gary spoke of. I spent so much time in my inner world during adolescence that people would say I looked like I wanted to murder someone, or that I talked like a robot. This isn’t what I felt on the inside, so I began to adapt my outward persona by stepping into my Fe. Fe isn’t something that has never been automatic, but it has become easier over time and it is so worth it. I find it hardest to step into my Fe when I foresee a confrontation that needs to be had. I used to find myself avoiding it so long that it blew up in my face. I also tend to get overstimulated (due to my Se 3 year old), which is why I don’t much care for crowds, however, grooming Se by intentionally stepping out of my comfort zones has led to the most growth and balance. At first, I managed the energy drain in large social settings by choosing to focus on one or two people at a time focused on creating a personal connection.

    Much of what I did to overcome my fear and step outside of my comfort zone was learned in a book called “The Tools”.

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