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In this podcast, Joel and Antonia talk about the best way to use personality type for planning your direction in life.
In this podcast you’ll find:
A question that has stuck with Joel since he was originally asked it.
- What do Antonia and Joel want people to get out of knowing their type?
- Joel passes on some valuable advice that he once received.
- How can Antonia and Joel help you reach the life that you really want?
What patterns have Antonia and Joel discovered about type?
- How can type get in the way of personal growth?
What impact do Antonia and Joel wish to make next?
- Finding the right “current of life”.
- How do you reach your destination?
- Joel shares a concrete example from his own life.
What is the nucleus point of type?
- How can the early phases of type be beneficial?
- How can you really leverage type to enhance your life?
Moving forward, how do Joel and Antonia plan on helping people?
- What universal principles will they be introducing in the upcoming series?
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The Difference Between Personality Loops And Subtypes | Podcast 0444
Bet On Yourself And Your Personality | Podcast 0446
Thanks KW for the comment. We are starting this new mentorship in early September.
Amazing episode. This one resonated very deeply for me.
When is this new series coming out?
If still in infancy/planning stage, I’d love to contribute to it in some capacity.
Fantastic podcast. You never cease to amaze!
I loved the journey we took here to zoom out and check it out. and it feels so right for me (infp). Looking forward to next podcasts and direction, in the flow.
Are these podcasts thought of in advance? Joel talking about business in that way was very close to what i was saying to my wife is that i cant end anything that is not emotionally connected so i can only keep adding to what i have why and how all the time. What happens when your own self is the problem is the balance in society not there because we try to behave in a manner that contradicts ourselves. Personality hacker is by far the best podcast out there i think its great.