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In this episode of the Personality Hacker podcast, Joel and Antonia explore the 4 work styles that influence INFP careers.

Discover more about subtypes in Dr. Dario Nardi’s “The 64 Subtypes in Depth”


In this podcast you’ll find:

  • Why are Joel and Antonia discussing careers for each of the personality types?
  • What are some popular career choices for INFPs?
  • Introducing the INFP subtypes by Dr. Dario Nardi.
    • How to approach the concept of the four subtypes.
  • Check out our previous podcast episode where Dario introduces the four subtypes of each personality type.
  • The energy and flavor of the four subtypes.
  • The four INFP subtypes:
    • Dominant subtype – how these INFPs utilize their strong personalities.
    • Creative subtype – how these INFPs thrive through their playfulness and imagination.
    • Normalizing subtype – how these INFPs develop specializations through their work.
    • Harmonizing subtypes – how these INFPs utilize their understanding of the human condition.
  • What’s the relationship between our career and our subtype?
  • The potential for your career path as an INFP.

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  • Lauren
    • Lauren
    • April 25, 2023 at 7:34 pm

    I can relate to the notion of a journey through different INFP subtypes depending on roles and life circumstances. During my adolescence/early twenties I was more of a creative subtype, I spent a lot of time exploring creative outlets, especially writing. I struggled to apply myself and lacked motivation, drive and direction. After drifting along for a period longer than most of my peers I went into academia, completing two undergrad degrees back-to-back and later a masters degree whilst working. I initially became more of a normalizing INFP, more driven towards a purpose, definitely more research orientated, I spent a lot of time thinking – I took great pleasure in understanding abstract concepts and loved the challenge of creating novel essay structures and arguments. After graduating I worked in a clinical field and more recently as a senior leader in healthcare. I struggle to recognize the dominant subtype in myself because to me it sounds too closed and fixed in nature. Although I can be assertive and decisive when it’s necessary and important, I relate more to the harmonizing subtype. I use my rich inner knowing and understanding gleaned from listening to people, being open and curious, to guide and shape quality improvement and bring about positive change. I find this highly motivating and rewarding. I do sometimes struggle to cope with the volume of inner work it requires and also to communicate my inner knowing to people so that they can share my vision. However, I’m good at finding leverage points, particularly trading on trust I’ve built up with people of influence and I use my one-on-one skills to their full advantage.

    I have been an avid listener of the PH podcast for years now and the knowledge I’ve gained about myself helps me to better navigate interpersonal relationships by helping me to make better decisions based on my truth. Thank you for all you do.

  • William
    • William
    • April 25, 2023 at 4:16 am

    I am an INFP and I work at a library! ??? It’s pretty common for people not to know that librarians need a degree. But it’s also a misconception that anyone who works at a library is a librarian. There are a lot of different positions and they all require different levels of education. My position only requires a high school diploma. (Customer Service Rep). So yes, some people can go from fast food to working at a library lol I did it!

    But, I really enjoyed this podcast. I am definitely Creative and this explains why I often feel like INFP paradox – why does my Ne feel like its driving me more than my Fi? Why is my Fi so shifty?

    It also gave me some clarity as to why it seems like other INFPs in my life seemed to have “hacked the system” and I struggle so much more with stability and tradition jobs.

    This podcast really gave me a lot of clarity I needed.

  • Andy Wallace
    • Andy Wallace
    • April 24, 2023 at 5:50 pm

    Thank you for this podcast! My thought -maybe a question- is that I recognize a journey through the INFP subtypes, especially related to or manifesting through my career. I work in the mental health field (didn’t see that one coming, did you?) and see clearly in my earlier career a pattern more associated with the dominant subtype. I was motivated to be in leadership, supervising other clinicians. After five or so very intense years, I shifted into a normalizing subtype role professionally, working more in a clinical quality improvement set of jobs over the last seven years. I found myself getting frustrated and bored in that role in more recent years, with a strong creative urge manifesting. I find that I feel most fulfilled and gratified when I am able to exercise more creativity in my work through writing and presenting trainings. I get more recognition from peers and leadership due to my creative output, too. I have moved to a new position within the mental health field where I can be more expressive, though there’s a bit of work I may associate with a harmonizing subtype (community organizing). So, it’s just interesting that as I mature as an INFP, I can see a journey through the subtypes, at least as you described them in this podcast. Very interesting! Is that common, moving through subtypes depending on the “nurture” of life circumstances? Anyway, I look forward to the ENFP podcast as I am almost an E! Thanks again for the great work you both do!

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