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In this episode of the Personality Hacker podcast, Joel and Antonia talk about the 4 expressions or styles of the Intuitive Cognitive Functions of “Perspectives” (Introverted Intuition) and “Exploration” (Extraverted Intuition).


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  • Taylor
    • Taylor
    • October 31, 2023 at 4:30 pm

    Great job on the banter, you two! Gold star! ☺️
    “Banter is reward in itself, sir!” 😆
    It’s funny, because for whatever reason, Antonia, I have always sensed your Ne and I’ve been a listener since about 2015. It’s never been a question for me that you’re utilizing Ne-Ti-Fe in the podcasts. Granted, I have always gotten a different vibe from yours and Joel’s Ne, yet it was still interesting to me to hear you’ve gotten the feedback that others cannot see your Ne in the podcast at all. I can definitely validate how the holistic versions – and particularly the holistic versions of perceiving functions? – are much quieter and less obvious across the board. And personally, I have always conceptualized your Ne as being this quiet, strong, golden thread that weaves throughout all of your Ti-Fe during the podcast. It’s quiet, yet kind of underlies everything that seems more externally “obvious” or “loud” on the podcast (like your Ti).

    All of that said… Thanks for the podcast, as always. Learning about subtypes has been immensely helpful and gives another important layer to work on some one-sidedness in myself. The piece about analytic Ni “not always having the receipts” is so painfully true. While I think I lean more holistic overall (and am too one-sided there right now), I could relate to some aspects of both.

    I also appreciated you fillet-ing out how analytic Ne and analytic Ni are different! Definitely provided clarity.

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