Having trouble finding your best-fit personality type? We can help.
Before you launch into a full-scale personal development journey based on your personality type – you need to be certain you KNOW your best-fit type.
The Challenge: Online & written personality tests have an error rate
It doesn’t matter which written or online test you take – it is impossible to guarantee 100% accuracy. There are just too many factors to take into account. Many tests work very well for about 80% of people. But if you are part of the 20% that needs to determine your type – we have been doing live phone personality type profiles for many years.
Before you schedule a personality type consultation call – try to troubleshoot your type yourself
At Personality Hacker we believe YOU know yourself better than anyone else. With a little guidance, you may be able to confirm your personality type on your own.
Resources that may help you “self-type:”
ARTICLE: When You ALMOST Know Your Personality Type (aka “Between Two Types”)
PODCAST: Why You May Struggle Determining Your Personality Type
PODCAST: How To Figure Out Your Personality [Troubleshooting]
The Solution: Schedule a personality type consultation call with a live Personality Hacker Accredited Profiler
Here’s how the process works:
1) Click this link and schedule a type consultation session.
2) You will receive an email to coordinate times with your Accredited profiler.
3) Choose a time that works for you (you will need to block out 1-2 hours for each session).
What you can expect from your personality type consultation session:
In most cases – Your Accredited profiler will schedule an initial consultation. This may be a shorter call to get to know you and your challenges in finding your best-fit type. After the initial call, your profiler will provide you with questions and journaling prompts to fill out and return to the consultant via email. A second, follow-up call of longer duration will be scheduled to discuss the profiler’s findings and to complete the profiling session.
In some cases – A single consultation is all that will be needed. This will be a longer conversation and journaling prompts will not be necessary. This is less frequent, however, so anticipate that your consultation will be handled in two parts.
Within these sessions you will find that –
- It is a self-discovery process that should feel relaxed and fun
- This is a co-creative process, and you will be working with your profiler to determine your type
- Your personality profiler will ask you a series of questions
- As you answer the questions – we are listening for two main parts of your personality – how your mind learns information and how your mind makes decisions
- After the personality profiler feels confident about your personality type – they will check in to see if their choice resonates with you
- Once you both agree on a personality type – you will be given your Personality Assessment Starter Kit as a free gift
- You can then use your username & password to access a world of content around your newly confirmed personality type and begin your personal growth journey with confidence
Some things to keep in mind:
People who have a constructive outcome from a Type Consultation typically:
- Are complex individuals with confounding factors such as high levels of personal development, unique formative experiences/environments, unusual Enneagram + Myers-Briggs type combination, etc. which have made it hard to conclude on a personality type – potentially making the best-fit type one they may not have considered
- Are oriented toward personal growth and development, in a state of Live Mind
- Are open to exploring types they haven’t considered and are prepared for some potential initial disorientation that may come with this process
- May be coping with a mild to moderate degree of psychiatric diagnosis such as anxiety, depression, attention deficit, trauma, etc. and in this case are engaged in treatment with a mental health professional as treatment is higher-yield and should be an earlier step in the personal growth path than strategies based on Personality Typology
- Are able to interact through one-on-one video conference alone and uninterrupted for 60-90 min in a forthcoming and authentic way
People who have a constructive outcome from their Consultation typically are not:
- Struggling with a currently severe degree of anxiety, depression, or unprocessed trauma
- Expecting a type conclusion to solve all their life challenges and/or substitute for psychological counseling
- Consciously or subconsciously trying to “beat the system” to validate identification with either a type they prefer or with being an enigma who cannot be typed conclusively
- Inclined to be easily swayed by input from sources such as online acquaintances, friends or loved-ones not formally trained in Myers-Briggs Personality Typology, memes, or articles
- Dismissive of or discouraged by an unexpected type conclusion suggested by a consultant with hundreds of hours of training and experience
What Others Have Experienced:
“I’m going to tell you the story of how PersonalityHacker.com dramatically improved my life, in a very short time. I’m hoping that by sharing my story I’m able to help you find the answers you might be looking for, too. I was living a life on paper that looked like what most people would consider a dream. In reality it was unfulfilling and hollow. When I found PH.com, I was anxious, irritable and feeling a lot of shame about who I was as a human being. I took the free personality test on this site and other sites and routinely tested as one specific type. I bought the Personality Starter Kit for that type. It helped some but something didn’t feel quite right. There’s a lot of criticism out there about erratic MBTI testing, so I fell into the trap of thinking that MBTI was just “fancy astrology”. I couldn’t have been more wrong. I came to find out that I was actually testing as my true personality type’s shadow type or alter ego. Charis made me aware that if someone is living at odds with their true personality a lot of cognitive dissonance will be going on. I made the decision to spend the extra money to have [Accredited Profiler] Shawn verify my personality type via a web consult. Once I was accurately typed all the answers and pieces of the puzzle I was looking for fell into place. Because I now know my true personality type, I’m aware of my strengths and weaknesses and I’ve lost the shame of feeling like there was something fundamentally wrong with me. If you are looking for answers and you still feel like something is missing, I highly encourage to book a Personality Type Consultation Call. I was living in my shadow and now thanks to Joel, Antonia, Charis and Shawn’s work, I feel like I have answers and actionable steps to live a full meaningful life with a bright and hopeful future.” –Amanda Parker
“I just wanted to let you know that I was very happy with my verification session with [Accredited Profiler] Scott yesterday. He was a joy to talk to and really helped me figure out everything. Thank you so much for all the information in my Starter Kit. I’m devouring it and would like to purchase the ‘Intuitive Awakening’ program. As I expressed to Scott, I want to THANK all of you at Personality Hacker for the valuable work you’re doing in helping people to understand how to be their best selves. Please convey my special thanks to Scott for all the great advice and thank you for making this a smooth transaction. God bless you all. Take care and be well.” –Deepali Afzal
Personality type consultation fee:
The personality type consultation is a very hands-on and high touch process where you work one-on-one with a profiler to co-creatively determine your best-fit personality type. The cost of a one-on-one session with a trained and accredited personality profiler is $245 US Your type consultation session can last anywhere from one to two hours and includes your type specific Personality Assessment Starter Kit (valued at $67). The Starter Kit will help you get on the path to learning more about yourself and what gifts you bring to the world.
Please note that all Type Consultations will be recorded and may be reviewed internally for training and quality control purposes.
Who will be doing your consultation?

Inès Kissany
Inès is an Accredited Personality Profiler, Human Resource Professional, and a perpetual student of human behavior. Growing up between three cultures gave her a true sense of appreciation for people’s differences.
In the last 5 years, Inès has dedicated her career to helping people achieve their highest potential within the workplace. Her dream is to leverage these learnings to support others in uncovering their unique and irreplaceable gifts and designing a life that honors these. She believes typology can empower people to be the truest versions of themselves.

Klaus Schepers
After studying journalism in his native Germany, Klaus worked in the Sports Integrity industry in the United Kingdom and Australia. He came across Myers-Briggs many years ago after an identity crisis following a break-up, and is learning new aspects of the system ever since.
As a Accredited Personality Profiler, Klaus wants to help people find their inner core, reconnect with their authentic selves and leverage the system for personal growth. He believes that typology can be an entry point into a lifelong quest for human development on a personal and collective level.

Andrea Wadel
Andrea is a Accredited Personality Profiler and coach. She has a passion for helping people better understand themselves and others through the lens of typology.
Growing up as the oldest in a family of 12 gave Andrea ample opportunity to appreciate the differences in personalities. Since childhood, she has had an insatiable curiosity to understand people and their behavior. Her goal is to use typology tools to empower others to feel more confident, find clarity on their growth path, and experience improved communication in their relationships.