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PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about INTP vs INFP.

In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about INTP vs INFP. #myersbriggs #INFP #INTP

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  • infp
    • infp
    • June 20, 2016 at 12:19 pm

    I’m a 14 year old intp/fp. I don’t know, but when I do I test I come up as an intp or infp
    (sorry for the crappy grammar)

  • VincientV
    • VincientV
    • May 21, 2016 at 11:40 pm

    Hello. I’m an INTP, and I’m quite sure of it, but I’ve heard this “generally INTPs don’t get confused” thing a lot, and I think that it isn’t true. I spent a lot of time wondering if I was actually an INFP. It wasn’t until I really started to understand cognitive functions that I was able to be certain that I was an INTP, because I am certain that I don’t have (or lead!) with Fi. However as we do have a great deal in common, and we are set up to question our own thoughts and root out personal biases, it’s easy to mistake our crying baby Fe that we don’t understand for being a full on lead function. Especially since we are all driven by our own personal feelings, regardess of how much we try to separate ourselves.Ironically, the “male” desire to be viewed as logical and thinking in this case actually caused me to overcompensate and question if I didn’t want to be viewed in this way because I was a male.

    This, with the fact that “feeling we are right” is common for both INFPs and INTPs (just depending on how you are defining right, as in correct or good) this can also lead to some confusion, since as INTPs are often going on a hunch until they can gather data to give some sort of proof. I once had a long argument with and INFJ in which I got kind of beaten up regarding the value of being “negative” vs “positive”, because I knew there was something to it, but it had recently occurred to me and as such I hadn’t fleshed out the argument before my Ne decided to bounce it off the world. Now that I’ve had sufficient time to think about it (in part because of said argument) I would present a logical reasoning process, but at the time I just knew I was right.

    In addition, with the an internal judging process paired with Ne, we both have a certain affinity for fantasy, although those fantasies may be slightly different. Nonetheless, given that this is one of the stereotypes of the INFP, when you realize you were the kid playing fantasy games by yourself, it makes you wonder. Also, Fe makes us actually care about “what is the best” for the world, overall. Even though this is the inferior function, it is still a major factor in our underlying motivation. Again, as this underlying factor is very important in our process, and thus easy to conflate with being a “feeler”, since the baseline description of feeling is “caring about good and bad”. Until one really starts to understand the nuances of cognitive functions, it’s quite easy to get lost with all those bad stereotypes. I like you guys, I just think that perpetuating this stereotype will potentially make it more confusing for people who may already be confused, and I wouldn’t be and INTP if I didn’t mention it.

  • wanderer
    • wanderer
    • May 9, 2016 at 8:36 am

    I almost always test as an INFP, but I guess the source of confusion for me to whether I may be an INTP is because I am an INFP who has a background in science, and is generally into maths and programming (perhaps having an INTP mother also contributed to this?). So I’m trained to evaluate things based on evidence, ie. does a claim makes sense? is it backed up by evidence? I tend to get annoyed if someone posts some article that is clearly a hoax–didn’t they cross-check with other sources before sharing? Or at least evaluate for themselves whether the article itself makes sense? I also engage myself in debates if I deem the other person’s line of reasoning is not logical. Getting an understanding how the world works is also important for me, I continue to seek new information to test my ‘theory’ of how I think the world works. It’s frustrating for me if there are two conflicting evidence (or if things point to different directions), because after all, there should only be one ‘truth’ to things. Is this Ti or Te? Or is it just that ‘seeking the truth’ and ‘speaking based on evidence’ one of my internal values (Fi)?
    On the other hand, I get why I am an INFP. I still consider other’s feelings when I disagree with their opinions, and will often soften the blow for them. I will still try to see things from their point of view although inside I will still disagree with their arguments. Compared to my INTP mother, I consider myself more aware of social cues. She is much more direct than me, and though I know she never means any harm, the way she communicates and her obliviousness in social situations sometimes offends people (particularly my ISFJ mother-in-law). In making personal decisions I also tend to base it more on what feels right or wrong for me (Fi) instead of pure logic, eg. I decided to switch fields because I found myself deeply conflicted on the ethics of gene modification and the treatment of lab animals. My calling in life is to help the marginalized have a better living and be useful to others in general (again, very Fi). Aside from science I am also interested in literature and the arts, especially those heavy with social messages and symbolism, which may be a more typical INFP interest than science ?

  • A depressed Intuitive
    • A depressed Intuitive
    • April 16, 2016 at 7:04 am

    As an aspiring entrepreneur I’m very happy Richard is one. I think l am one too. Authenticity, autonomy, self determination and inspirational leadership truly resonates with me. To think about going public with my company and losing control of vision and direction; at worse getting booted out of the company l created by investors and board of directors isn’t too appealing unless I plan to exit personally (sell out) and thus stop caring.

    I believe in personal excellence. There is no such thing as perfection but it possible to bring your best self to the table and keep striving and improving.

    Richard on a YouTube video regarding his philosophy regarding employees is that you should let your employees do their work in their terms (ie flex work arrangements) . If can’t/don’t trust them to perform why did you hire them in the first place? If they are treated well and are happy they will take care of it.
    I was impressed. Enough said.

    So it seems Richard is a bit hands off in this respect, not a total control freak.

    Another inspirational thought “leader” /anti hero
    is Edward Snowmen, the poster child of the whistle blower. He has a great Ted talk and a number of media interviews. He seems to be a very intelligent, moral guy. Lots of conviction, courage. Very inspirational. What he did is truly great, he did the right thing that should be done, when nobody else would…

    Ursula Franklin wrote that we live in a “society of compliance". I think that mentality very pervasive and dangerous. Compliance is complicity. Just because everyone is doing it doesn’t mean you should…. Remember Hitler and his Aryan supremacy nonsense? Enron? Predatory subprime mortgage lending and selling them off as “safe investments"; corporate and personal tax evasion. The rich get richer, and every

    I think a lot of the social ills in society. It makes ME ill thinking about it. To think l have to participate in the very same society and the broken, unfair, cut throat, morally bankrupt system(s) of things is pretty depressing. Socially, we are going backwards (l can count thy ways), not really improving.

    One fear l have is living my life under in the tyranny of the Corporation. They are large, monopolistic, multinational entities with no loyalty to anyone but
    Themselves (profit, share holders, the 1%). They have vast resources of money and capital. Insidious, shadowy. The influence and infection is vast. They own the media, the banking system (hold entire governments down with debts) . They infiltrate (fund) schools ,prisons , foundations, politics. So in culture and governance, they have everything in their favour. The message, keep out of our affairs, you’re stifling economic growth and innovation, government is too big, free markets are best etc etc etc. It’s all BS

    Cash is King. The rulers of the world today aren’t literal Kings and Queen’s. They may as well be. We bailed them out in the recession, us peasants and debt slaves pay their taxes plus interest/fees.

    The forms of Capitalism & finance today is failing. There is no healthy market competition. Everything is rigged in their favour. Neither in wages (stagnant and falling globally, weakening of unions, worker standards and safety, automation, precarious employment) , or market shares(mergers, cartels) . It’s rapacious. in extracting the most out of everything living and not living. Everyone else is worse off than before in their wake. Negative Environmental, social, health impact is staggering. It’s perverse and dirty . It’s made Democracy and regulations are a joke. It’s so blatant now with the TPP. Just when things couldn’t get worse! It’s time to wake up… This is like colonialism without the need of armed forces. Lawyers, secret dealings, bribes, lobbyists….

    This has to stop. It’s not too late.

    Please look into the Trans Pacific Partnership in your country. It’s not a simple free Trade Agreement. It’s a power grab. Wolf in sheep’s clothing. Obama wants to sign and is pressuring other leaders to do the same.

    We have to put on the pressure that we aren’t stupid and won’t be duped into this secret, dirty deal. Most of the public did not know about it until the very late stages. Only recently in newspapers you will hear casual mentions the partnership but details are slim. Most people have no idea, no inkling what it is really about. Basically a foreign company trying to enter a new market can sue the local government for any reason regarding loss of revenue and profit. There will no litigation utilizing the local/national/international courts of law. It goes straight to arbitration. A secret, closed, one time , costly deliberation with elite group of “international lawyers“ with NO appeal. This is very dangerous, like opening a Pandora’s box. Rules and regulations protecting people and the environment will mean nothing. Dangerous products and practices will forced down our throats. They are nothing but bandits after an expensive legal battle (millions of dollars) Resources are for their taking from the defeated nation.

    I’m not making this up. We need to fight this. The TPP could be ratified very soon.

    I don’t know if hyperlinking is allowed, please Look up:

    #David Malone TPP
    Anything by John Oliver the comedian
    The Four Horsemen on youtube

  • .:,
    • .:,
    • March 7, 2016 at 9:06 pm

    I typed myself as INTP twice at this site ! Yet it seems to me, that INFP is closer to home. Also I do not think that any INTP could be as weak in math and physics as me.

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