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In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about marketing manipulation vs marketing calibration.

In this podcast you’ll find:

  • Seasonal programs.
  • People need to stop putting off their personal growth.
  • Invest in yourself.
  • Rapid Customer Rapport
  • There is a growing hostility towards benefitting financially from informative content.
  • Money controls us worse when we have a bad relationship with it.
  • When you understand typology, and you use that in marketing, it can sound incredibly manipulative.
  • Your intent is essential because you are wielding a tool that has been used for good and evil.
  • Marketing to certain types is just a macro version of talking with someone and communicating in a style that they will resonate with.
  • If your intent is good and your product will help people you are coming from a place of positive intent.
  • Marketing doesn’t always have to have a financial component.
  • Transparency benefits everybody.
  • Car Model
  • Ti – Introverted Thinking
  • Fi – Introverted Feeling
  • It can be a relief when people speak to our specific needs and communicate in a way we resonate with.
  • Most people are manipulating people all the time.
  • We often Manipulate another person’s thoughts to be in alignment with ours.
  • Calibrating is more systemic in its approach.
  • Manipulation is more of a cause/effect result.
  • We manipulate our children toward things that we know are for their benefit – eating healthy food, holding our hand when they cross the street, not talking to strangers, etc.
  • What is so interesting about marketing is the illusion that you lose control if you purchase something because of marketing.
  • You are still in control.
  • The marketer only added a node to the system that represented you, and you were triggered to buy.
  • A marketer creates a desire in us we didn’t know we had, so now we blame the marketer.
  • Amazon tracks our purchases and searches and recommends products to us.
  • “You can’t get anybody to do anything against their will. The problem is, most people don’t have a will.”
  • Most people don’t have their will defined. It is accidental with most people. They just follow their gut.
  • A momentary assessment of whether or not they like something. As opposed to a finely crafted thing that is rooted in a deep sense of self.
  • Do you know what you want in life? Are you using it as a tool to get where you want to go?
  • Marketing is a moment where your will is being tested.
  • This is frustrating to people because it addresses their confusion around will. So, they get angry at the marketer.
  • Good marketing makes people face themselves.
  • If you see a billboard with a giant hamburger on it and you decide to pull into the next fast food restaurant and buy a hamburger, is that the fault of the billboard?
  • There is plenty of research that fast food is not good for us.
  • Don’t blame the marketer because you didn’t have the will to resist.
  • Calibrate your will to align with your values.
  • What do you want in life?
  • Don’t just be on auto pilot.
  • Good marketing speaks in a language that makes sense to you, and you have to reconcile the info to determine if it is in alignment with your values.
  • People get frustrated because we have so many messages coming at us.
  • The solution is to get clear about who you are and what you want. The messages aren’t going to stop.
  • Podcast Is Making Money Wrong?
  • What is your relationship with money, consumerism, and marketing?
  • We all have different strategies for dealing with marketing.
  • Some people rely on brands. Others rely on metrics and numbers. And still others rely on people – word of mouth.
  • Trust Agents by Chris Brogan: “In this emerging world of the internet, people are going to have to cut through all the messages and find trust agents they can rely on consistently.”
  • It’s our responsibility to bring things into our lives that match up with our values.
  • Many people don’t take responsibility for their lives.
  • There are different ways that we vet marketing decisions.
  • Most of us feel like we don’t have enough info to make good decisions. So we make decisions on only partial info.
  • Get solid on YOU. What do you want? Who are you? How do you want to craft your will? Who do you trust?
  • No relationship you build is going to be a substitute for self-knowledge, self-awareness and a thoughtful crafting of your will.
  • Going off auto pilot is hard.
  • Once we are in flight, we are going to make decisions based on whatever system we have built.
  • But we can go back and look at the system and examine what programming we are plugging into that GPS unit.
  • Be intentional about your coordinates.
  • We are the people who have complete control over the system. If we buy something, it is an emergent of the programming we have given ourselves.
  • It doesn’t do us any good to project ill intent on others.
  • There’s no way of knowing if the other person has ill intent, so instead of projecting blame take a look in the mirror and figure out what you did that allowed the situation to happen.
  • Learn to express gratitude and appreciation for beautiful things that exist without having to possess them.
  • The purpose of marketing is to get you aware of the existence of something.
  • The overwhelming majority of marketers are just doing a job.
  • If somebody is marketing their product, it is because they feel strongly about the thing they have made.
  • In many cases, marketers and creators are different entities.
  • The creators usually don’t know how to get the word out about something. So they hire someone to do the marketing for them.
  • But the marketers don’t appreciate the value of the object as much as the creator does.
  • The solution is to have the creator involved in the marketing.
  • How can we communicate better? How can we improve marketing and improve our relationship with marketing?
  • Integration is the answer, not elimination.
  • Marketing isn’t going anywhere. It is a form of communication.
  • Some people may feel that putting a value on something reduces its art. That thinking isn’t sustainable.

In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about marketing manipulation vs marketing calibration. #podcast #marketing

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  • RMN
    • RMN
    • August 12, 2017 at 1:25 am

    Hi! I really enjoyed this podcast. Also, I’m an ENFP and occasionally I’ve bought things I thought were super important when given a deadline, but often enough I write such things off because of the need to save up and also the need to deliberate. I think you could create a sense of value with a LITTLE urgency by doing sales at specific times of the year ESPECIALLY if the regular price is the same and the sales are a true benefit. Because then you aren’t JUST creating urgency you are creating value. Of course many people do do what you thought of successfully but I think a big part of that is first that it’s very clear from the beginning (the ones I’ve bought I have the impression they’ve just ALWAYS done business like that) and also that it will be available again, and soon. But, I RARELY feel nuetral about the time pressure. The few times I didn’t care I was POSITIVE about the value and my ability to pay it right off the bat. Incidentally, I haven’t yet done the ENFP program so it was news to me too. So far the podcasts have been enough to keep my brain inspired and the fact that it’s free and delivering so much value has me hooked. I can sit here and sew and still learn new things.

  • Charis Branson
    • Charis Branson
    • August 11, 2017 at 7:16 pm

    Hi Taz! Thanks for the feedback.

  • Charis Branson
    • Charis Branson
    • August 11, 2017 at 7:16 pm

    Hi Chelsea! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. We appreciate them.

  • Taz Walker
    • Taz Walker
    • August 10, 2017 at 9:26 am

    In regards to marketing of the INTX program I feel similarly to what Chelsea does. I do a lot of research and thought processing before deciding to buy something. Financially, I will usually need to save up for a fair amount of time to allocate funds to whatever I want to purchase.

    I understand most people don’t spend months deliberating over action, but I know if I feel pressured to do something I will just go without. For example, I was seriously considering the program and I was going to make plans to save up. Now I think I will just wait and see, it may no longer be relevant for me in the future.

  • Chelsea Welch
    • Chelsea Welch
    • August 9, 2017 at 9:03 pm

    So…we are essentially always marketing, even on an individual day-to-day scale. A simple example: we market ourselves by trying to get others to like us. There is some shame that surrounds that concept based on how our society operates: “if you care about what others think of you, you are weak.”

    Using the concept of “we reject externally what we’ve rejected within ourselves” I wonder if one of the reasons we have hostility toward marketers is because we feel such a deep sense of shame about our need to market ourselves – our personalities, our interests, our values, etc. Just look at the Intuitive Awakening group and you can see the frustration and shame that surrounds people trying to share their true selves with others, and being rejected in the process.

    Just a fun thought :)

    On a more serious thought, I am still suspicious that you need urgency to market your work, especially given your growth-oriented audience. I think you might be under-estimating many of them. I know for myself, a sense of urgency tends to turn me away from something because I lose the ability to deliberate, in my own time, whether something is right for me. My thoughts lose their clarity under urgency. And it doesn’t allow me to decide later on that I want to pursue something that wasn’t the right timing in the past, but is now.

    I, too, experienced frustration with the INTx program’s marketing process. I was looking forward to taking some time to think about whether or not it would be a good fit for me, but then that time was taken away. In the future, I can’t say I would even be able to give a program any interest in the first place if it was time-sensitive, since I would know from the get-go that I wouldn’t be able to make the right decision for me using my deliberative process.

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