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In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk about lookalike personality types and share principles on how to decide between them.

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  • Anja
    • Anja
    • October 27, 2020 at 11:11 am

    As always very interesting episode – thanks for sharing all your knowledge.
    I have never been in doubt about my own type but meet a lot of people who are – specifically they’ll tell me that they change between being an extrovert and an introvert. Have you made an episode talking about this somewhere?
    Before figuring out my type (INFJ) I always struggled with knowing if I was an introvert or extrovert but finding my type helped me see where on the spectrum I was. I wish to point the ones I meet who flip-flop in the right direction but they don’t seem convinced by my explanation and so I thought It would be helpful to point them to a podcast episode or an article of yours.

  • Sofie
    • Sofie
    • October 27, 2020 at 10:54 am

    INTJ here and I found it a very interesting podcast. I also doubted about my type. Because my Fi is well developed. I thought for a long time I was an INFJ, because I’m sensitve and emphatic.

  • Justine G
    • Justine G
    • October 24, 2020 at 6:32 pm

    I have a gut feeling that I am more feeler than thinker, and most like INFP, but I think logic is very important used at the right times. I aspire to be great at systems and logic actually, as I always fear I am useless and stupid. I spent years training to be a computer programmer, only to gradually realise this was the wrong career, partly as I only like ‘high level’ logic and am not ‘technically’ minded. It now seems that what I actually wanted was to have a ‘thinker-ish’ role in a ‘feeler-ish’ environment.

    I’m not exactly an ‘earth child’ or whatever the stereotype around IxFPs is/are, and due to my negative childhood experiences feel the need to put out an appearance of being both ‘thinker-ish’ and romantically unattractive. But I seem very focused on mentally playing around with alternative conceptions of self and this pre-dates any interest in typology.

    While I don’t think INFP is a great fit, the other types are an even worse fit.

  • Will
    • Will
    • October 24, 2020 at 4:02 pm

    Hey Jim, random passerby, but figured you might find this PHQ useful:

    Suffice it to say, there’s a fair bit of nuance, but jumping into other people’s perspectives isn’t something that only INFJs would be adept at doing. However, the judgment about what to do with those perspectives are largely mediated by Fe for INFJs and Te for INTJs.

    That said, I do think that it would have been worth delving into those differences in utilization in the book, even if the generalized description is technically correct. But, then, I’m a nerdy stickler for details (INTP here), and most people are unlikely to be as interested in reading the 10+ pages of depth I’d love to get into for each function in each slot.

  • Anne-Sofie
    • Anne-Sofie
    • October 23, 2020 at 11:56 am

    Hey guys. Great and interesting podcast. I am struggling to find my type (Isfp, Infj, Infp or Enfp) – for me, the testing out the different “energies” each function requires (for you to use) would be enormously helpful.
    I live in Denmark and hence haven’t got the opportunity to participate in your live programs (unless a spend a lot of money getting to the US) so could you make an online version of it – maybe even an online instruction video, so you can access it with time delay? For me, the big issue is the self assessment and at this point some practical demonstration would really be the most usefull.

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