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In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk with Profiler Training alumni, Dana Jacobson about her lived experience as an INFP personality type.


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In this podcast you’ll find:

  • Guest Host Dana Jacobson, INFP, joins.
  • Download our INFP Personality Type Handy Guide to learn about the INFP functions.
  • How did Dana discover her personality type?
  • How does Dana’s Effectiveness (Extraverted Thinking) 3 Year Old help her in her job as a home organizer?
  • What was the most impactful piece for Dana when she discovered that she was an INFP?
  • Dana explains how she uses Authenticity (Introverted Feeling) to make the best decisions for her.
  • How has Dana incorporated her Exploration (Extraverted Intuition) Copilot into her life?
  • What are some of the components that Dana finds essential for living her best life?
  • What are some of the sacrifices that Dana has made in order to create her chosen lifestyle?
  • Dana shares her life journey of how she got to where she is today.
  • How did Dana experience letting go of emotions that had become habituated in her Memory (Introverted Sensing) 10 Year Old?
  • What advice would Dana give to her younger self?

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  • Bryce
    • Bryce
    • June 28, 2024 at 11:21 am

    As a listener of PH since ~ 2016, I have been on quite the ride. Typed as an INFP via a test my engineering college counselor gave me thirty years ago, I then went through a big phase of “I think I’m actually an INFJ” between 2015-2018. Dana, the relief you describe in realizing that your native territory is Fi and not Fe – I’m so resonant. Many of my friends are therapists, and many prefer Fe. I’ve compared myself with them so many times over, and felt myself lacking in the particular kind of being-with-attunement they offer to others. Letting the Fe go and allowing for my own brand of Fi humanity is such a relief – and hearing you speak to this, deepens it even further.

    From 2018 til just these past few days, I’ve been in a wrestle between ISFP and INFP. I can now chalk it up to the enneagram passion of Envy – comparing myself to the “vibe” I envy in the ISFP – and wishing I could attain it for myself (very specific to the self-pres Four, as Beatrice Chestnut describes). I’ve been in such a fight with myself, denying my INFP nature, belittling Extroverted Intuition, envying Extroverted Sensation, and locking myself into a really condemning-of-myself Fi-Si loop. Painful. (I even had a typing session with a PH specialist a couple years ago, and convinced them – though not consciously, and not intentionally – that I was an ISFP; I see now how all my answers were driven by Envy!)

    So a big thanks to you, Antonia and Joel, for helping me get clear on all this. Along with assistance from my partner, Victoria (who just started in your Profiler Training program, and was able to sniff out the incongruities between what I’ve been thinking I’ve been up to, and what I’m actually up to). I’m in a powerful moment in my life, stepping into my Fi/Ne and not apologizing for who I am, not even to myself. It’s a celebration of Life! It’s been a long time coming, and I’m so grateful it’s happening, here, now.

  • Aj
    • Aj
    • May 19, 2022 at 8:44 pm

    Am I right in thinking men and women are entirely different even if they belong to the same type? As an INFP male I didn’t connect much to her life story. Although I did tryhard to prove my Si and Te, which resulted in many cringe memories…

  • Margaret
    • Margaret
    • April 29, 2022 at 3:14 am

    I listen to this now and again to remind myself I am not so unique that I am no longer human, since there are others who are wired like me. I chose to follow my dream as I said but in the place I live and the time I was 15 , there weren’t many choices; so as I decided I had a gift of drawing and portraiture and followed that into art teaching college though teaching was not my main goal, (it was there but much lower down my stack). I was totally misunderstood by family etc but when I did MBTI official test 30 years ago , I discovered why. I am just now looking to focus on what I originally intended to do after being exposed to so many options over 55 years. My values were often trodden on in a very ESTJ climate, but ultimately I get profusely excited about the absolute uniqueness of every single human being ever born and love to think of snowflakes as a reference point LOL , ( though I have yet to see snow),,,,,…….

  • Justine G
    • Justine G
    • April 1, 2022 at 2:20 pm

    I don’t have a clear inferior function. There are arguments for both Ne and Te being inferior. It is a case of a love/hate relationship with both, though I’ve got more of an idea about how to ‘do’ Te than Ne. I found the ‘grip’ descriptions in the book over-prescriptive. Everything seems to be based on everyone having one function they totally love with no ambivalence around it. I’m probably least ambivalent about Si, but at the same time don’t sense much ‘excitement’ around it. There’s more excitement around Fi but more fear and distrust as well.

  • Antonia Dodge
    • Antonia Dodge
    • March 30, 2022 at 3:11 pm

    Sometimes it’s hard to figure out what is being influenced by our Myers-Briggs wiring and our Enneagram type. But when it comes to sussing out our dominant versus tertiary function, I’d say ask 1) which function brings me intrinsic satisfaction to use (since we are chemically rewarded for using our dominant function), 2) which auxiliary function helps us feel like we’re meeting our current potential (since it will be a very different function), and 3) which function is more clearly our inferior (which grip behavior do we tend to struggle with).


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