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In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk about the tips and methods they used to interview all 16 personality types in a coming 16-part podcast series.

In this podcast you’ll find:

  • Joel and Antonia introduce some helpful principles they used for their upcoming interviews with each of the 16 types.
  • 3 principles Joel and Antonia want you to bear in mind as you listen to their interviews with the 16 types.
  • What’s the impact of technique versus energy in an interview situation?
  • What’s the connection between being a good interviewer and a good profiler?
    • Why clarification matters.
  • What’s the main piece of wisdom Joel and Antonia would like to impart to you from this episode?
  • What’s the emergent of following this formula? Joel shares his personal experience with applying these principles to a stranger he recently met.
  • How you can follow along with these interviews if you’re new to type.
  • Joel and Antonia share how you can dive deeper into all 16 types via our website or our book.

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  • Ryan
    • Ryan
    • January 14, 2022 at 12:48 pm

    I meant to say feel that feeling.

  • James
    • James
    • January 13, 2022 at 2:42 am

    Huh, if you study Emotional intelligence or Social intelligence, you’ll see where this fits into relating to others. As an INTJ myself I can see where this concept of being grateful for people just existing or showing up, because they don’t have to exist or even show up. Even the most independent of us could use a hand every now and again. Showing a little gratitude for mundane tasks that people do goes a long way to get them to do more of the same if we desire it. People often don’t remember what you say but they will remember how you made them feel and this is part of that.

    Joel being grateful for a man’s life work wasn’t necessary, it was the experience that he was grateful for. Joel was experiencing a living narrative of historical facts in the moment from someone that lived for 80 plus years, we don’t always get the chance to enjoy someone’s perspective from a time period that we haven’t lived through, especially one that is part of recorded history or one that was part of unrecorded history.

    If someone can tell a good story, especially one that was true, imagine how that person can capture his audience and draw them in with his charisma and get them to imagine as he narrates what it must of been like to live in those times and to have that image of their life in your mind and to see it illustrated through their art. That man in Savannah was like listening to a history book versus just reading one, it’s way more entertaining when it’s a narrative.

    That man didn’t have to tell any stories, he could of been a total dick, and told Joel that if he wasn’t interested in buying anything to get out and stop bothering him. But he didn’t he was gracious ans classy enough to share stories and be welcoming of visitors because the man knows that like with sales of online media like e-books the longer he holds his audience the more likely they will buy from him because they have made a connection on an emotional level and when we have things that we both can relate to, suddenly buying a work of art seems attainable, where as in a emotionless art gallery with some dick of a art salesman that takes one look at us and determines that well we’re just not art buying people has a harder time getting sales because of his cold demeanor and our inability to relate to his crappy attitude. That sort of people first approach to sales and making a customer feel appreciated and welcome helps tremendously, it’s more of a soft sell but it works.

    Imagine being in a store, where some busy body goes about asking you if you need help and you say no thank you just browsing, and they say well if you are buying anything then you need to leave, as this store is open to paying customers not loiterers. So would you buy from someone like that? Or would you buy from someone that says, welcome glad you came in, please have a look around and if you need help I’ll be over here if you need me. Do you think that’s not something to be grateful for? Low pressure sales helps me buy something, I can’t stand a pushy used car like salesman they always come off as slimy and desperate. If someone is happy to just have you come in and browse I usually buy something if it’s reasonably priced because I am grateful for them not stressing me out. It’s a fair exchange of social grace.

  • Ryan
    • Ryan
    • January 14, 2022 at 12:39 pm

    Does anyone know what it is like to be grateful anyway can anyone feel that emotion.

  • James
    • James
    • January 13, 2022 at 2:15 am

    Chloe here’s a scenario you can wrap your mind around. Imagine that I’m your employer, and I decide to give you a bonus for never being late to work or maybe never taking any time off for a whole year other than regularly scheduled holidays. Now do you go to work everyday for me or for yourself? I’m grateful that you come everyday as scheduled and that you stand out from other employees for your dedication to being productive and I think that you are a model employee.
    Now if those thoughts of you seem patronizing then please, cash the bonus check I gave you which I withheld taxes from and you are responsible for reporting the bonus at tax time as earned income and give me the cash so that you don’t have to feel patronized by my gratefulness for what I pay you for anyway, which is to show up to work day in and day out and I’ll give your rightfully earned bonus to the guy that comes late everyday just for being late consistently and I’m sure he won’t feel ungrateful for the extra money nor that it is patronizing to him in any way shape or form.
    I wouldn’t want you to think I’m judging you, so just as a refresher, it is company policy to show up on time everyday, this applies to everyone not just you and it’s not a matter of “should be” but “must be”, because if I have to stop what I’m doing to wait on you or to have to assign a task because you are tardy then likely that results in a write up and after 3 of these you would be terminated.

    However since I’m a reasonable person, and I live in the real world where life happens, I get people will be late, so I use my discretion over company policy and am grateful more so if you show up to work at all, because I know skilled labor isn’t cheap and and cheap labor isn’t skilled, so I more so am grateful that you have skills I need as an employer and that I don’t have to hold your hand when it comes to getting the job done and think that it’s nice of me to show my gratefulness to my hardest working employees by rewarding them.

    The psychology behind this is called operant conditioning, it’s based on rewards as a motivator for desired behavior. If you behave the way I want you to without me needing to reward you for the desired behavior I would find that delightful, because it makes my job easier and saves me money which I can give to myself. Wage slaves are desirable in the workforce especially when I’m trying to make a profit off you.

  • Antonia Dodge
    • Antonia Dodge
    • January 11, 2022 at 1:25 pm

    From my perspective, gratitude isn’t a scarce resource. In fact, it’s generative. Finding reasons to be grateful for people beyond what they’ve done for us – for simply being who they are / existing – is food for our souls.


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