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PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode, Joel and Antonia answer a question about trauma and personality tests.

In this episode, Joel and Antonia answer a question about trauma and personality tests. #myersbriggs #trauma

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  • Darcy vestal
    • Darcy vestal
    • June 7, 2022 at 7:24 am

    What if your diagnosed with bpd and complex post traumatic stress disorder and severe clinical depression and anxiety. How might someone learn how to overcome childhood ongoing trauma starting from age 2 till I graduate
    d high-school.

  • Drak
    • Drak
    • June 7, 2016 at 12:10 pm

    Can extreme trauma at young cause your mental wiring to change? I read about neuro-plasticity which suggest it could but I’m not too certain about that. I’ve heard of a person who may have switched personality type during childhood from a feeling type to a thinking type. That person now demonstrates most of the attributes and has the same kind of mental wiring of a thinker ever since then. The person even seems like a healthy thinker yet has vague memories of being different, or thinking differently.

  • Mae
    • Mae
    • January 17, 2016 at 5:10 am

    Hello. Thsnk you for your podcasts. I’ve been searching around and soing research and want to get uour opinion on my attempt at aelf-typing. I keep testing entp enfp infp infj intj in function tests. As a result of experiences I’ve forced myself to mimic fe or focus on others to distract myself from my own vulnerability. I like introspectuonrbit find it not in my best interest to spend too much time on it, though if logic fails, I fall back on values I’ve learned and made personal. I-m clumsy with people and feelibgs but have learned to overcone it and show concern with day to day observation and mimicry. I’ve mostly worn a protective nice girl mask and learned small talk as a barrier. I’m physically clumsy and was hyper as a child. Social anxiety characterizes my interactions with people. Formerly into fiction as a child, but not so mucg anymore as a young adult. I was wodering if Ive just spent most of my life indulging my feeling function. Or authenticity os dominant but ive learned to hold it back with thinkibg. Ive been lookibg into unhealthy forms of different types as well. I know that my weaker functions are si and fe. Perspectives is still a bit confusing for me. Despite all the research I still haven’t an even mildly satisfying conclusion. I know you receive lots of tuping questions. I hope you don’t mind another. Thank you for your effort.

  • Charis Branson
    • Charis Branson
    • July 19, 2015 at 6:24 pm

    Hey James!

    I understand your frustration. We have a lot of articles on here that may help you get down the right path. Our free test can also narrow your options. I find the articles on healthy vs unhealthy manifestations of the types to be helpful:

    When all else fails, we have a verification process where you can talk with a professional profiler who will help you figure out your best fit type. Here is that product:

  • Charis Branson
    • Charis Branson
    • July 19, 2015 at 6:21 pm

    Thanks for the feedback Adrianna! We like to hear people are growing and refining their best-fit type. It’s not the end of the world if you get it wrong once or twice. To me, it indicates you are getting to know yourself on a more profound level – which is good!

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