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PHQ | QUESTIONS FROM COMMUNITY: In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about INTP vs INFP.

In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about INTP vs INFP. #myersbriggs #INFP #INTP

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  • Catarina
    • Catarina
    • September 9, 2015 at 1:12 pm

    I’m an INTP woman who thought was an INFP, certainly because I’m really artistic. I feel like I’m in the middle of both personalities but I care more about doing things right artistically, than about being authentic.
    Because of this my art subject is always changing and I don’t get stuck in a style or identity, or I don’t care much about it. But I’m a 5w4 so I don’t like when people copy me.
    It took me a long time to get here, it was certainly after I completed the basic puzzle you talked about. Before this I thought I was an INFP.
    I understood it because of extroverted feeling, I studied the function and understood it didn’t make sense to be an introverted feeler.

  • red panda
    • red panda
    • September 8, 2015 at 9:15 pm

    Very interesting discussion! I’ve been interested in personality ever since I read The Introvert Advantage about six years ago and realized I’m not completely weird, I’m introverted (and only somewhat weird). After learning about MBTI a few years ago, I’ve been trying to clarify whether I am an INTP or an INFP. I’ve taken several different tests online from various sites and have gotten both results, usually with the T and F scoring very closely, for example about 55% T and 45% F or vice versa, on tests that show percentages. I have always second guessed the results of these tests as they could have gone the other way if I had answered one or two questions differently.
    When I delve into the cognitive functions as a way to try to clarify my type, I find that I still end up relating to both INTP and INFP personalities. So I wonder if maybe my struggle to figure out whether I am an INTP or INFP is actually a manifestation of Accuracy trying to gather all the data to make the correct conclusion, and therefore I am in fact an INTP. I know the general thought holds that it’s far more likely for an INFP to misidentify as an INTP than for an INTP to misidentify as INFP; however I wonder if in my case I may be INTP based on my use of Accuracy to try to validate my “true” personality type.
    Though one point that confuses me is that I am very conscious of other people’s feelings to the point that I will not point out their mistakes because I don’t want to hurt their feelings or appear pretentious even when I know that they are wrong about something. And this seems to be a feeling, or Harmony, trait, of an INFP. So I am still a bit confused.
    Hopefully all of that makes sense. Does anyone happen to have any thoughts? It would be helpful to get some outside perspective on this.

  • Charis Branson
    • Charis Branson
    • September 8, 2015 at 5:23 pm

    Maybe that is why you’re confused about INFJ and INFP. Maybe you are an INTJ. INTJs conscious 10 year old is Fi or Authenticity. I used to think my INTJ husband was a feeler because he spent more time in his feeler process than he should have.

    Have you read this article?

  • Charis Branson
    • Charis Branson
    • September 7, 2015 at 2:40 pm

    Thanks for the feedback, Wulfex! Interesting observation that most people who are confused about being INTP/INFP are usually INFP. I think there are a lot of INFPs that type as INFJs too. I wonder if that is their tendency to mirror others, like a chameleon. They take on the personalities of whomever they are with.

  • Wulfex
    • Wulfex
    • September 4, 2015 at 6:35 pm

    I’m so glad you guys answered this. I hang around PerC quite a bit, and on the INFP forum, this topic comes up at least once a month. After seeing it so often… I’m kind of getting tired of repeating myself in every one of these threads, I feel like a robutt. As a generally rule of thumb, I have also found that most INFP/INTP confusion is from an INFP.

    Interesting you mention INTPs and video games. Had had never really thought about it in terms of cognitive functions. After you mentioned it, I wondered if that was why a lot of gamers come of as, kind of assholes to new players. Usually, when I find one of these people, I have done something that is completely illogical to them and they can not let it go. Now, I’m curious how many of those are XXTPs who use “Harmony” as their 3 year olds.

    Anyway, thank you for answering this question! I will be linking all confused INTP/INFPs here! :)

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