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In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about having a healthy relationship with both marketing and money.

In this podcast you’ll find:

  • Marketing isn’t evil
  • Money isn’t evil
  • Some people think there are acceptable and unacceptable ways to make money.
  • Why do people have such a weird relationship to money?
  • Our aversion to marketing prevents us from gaining the info we need to make the best decisions.
  • Marketing is not just about money.
  • Marketing is used to get people to think like you.
  • Money isn’t going anywhere.
  • If you have an icky relationship with money, you have the same dynamic as someone who loves money. Two sides of the same coin.
  • Money is very complex, and it is fundamental to our survival.
  • We build resentment and anxiety around money because it is abstract, complex, and necessary for our survival
  • Bitcoin is transcending all the money structures we have relied upon for a long time.
  • Bitcoin is also adding to the complexity of money
  • We are talking about a technology we have invented, but we can’t understand the entire spectrum of it.
  • We won’t solve this anytime soon.
  • How can we utilize it for the best?
  • How can we escape the thinking that rich people are villains and those who don’t money are victims?
  • If you demonize money, you can’t use it for good.
  • Start seeing “money” in terms of “value.”
  • People have different reality tunnels they see money through.
  • Value is subjective and contextual.
  • Football players make a lot of money because people are willing to pay them a lot of money.
  • What is the ecosystem benefitting from the compensation structure?
  • Value exchange doesn’t have to be just about dollars.
  • We have collectively decided to pay teachers a salary that is below what it should be, yet there are still people who become teachers because of other rewards.
  • Empirical evaluation is only a reflection of our own personal bias.
  • Value is not static
  • Recognize value as a shifting, contextual thing
  • We need to improve our relationship with money
  • Money and ego go hand in hand.
  • The only way we can improve the world’s view of money is when we stop demonizing it and recognize that ego transcendence is the only way to gain the equality we seek.
  • People use Money for good all the time.
  • Whether you love or hate money is a projection of your ego and a sign you have shit you have not worked through.
  • Get a healthy relationship with your ego and use the tool of money to make a beneficial impact on others.

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  • Amy Francis
    • Amy Francis
    • September 7, 2017 at 9:09 pm

    I like the idea of re-framing money as social value. As a writer by trade, I am aware that my profession has lost perceived value in some contexts but is gaining perceived need in others, and marketing my services is a major factor to my financial success as a freelancer.

    Another observation: I have always struggled to expand my vision beyond making just enough money to be comfortable, mainly because I have a self-centred perspective on wealth (i.e. it’s about how much I need, not what I could do for others with the extra resources).

  • Joel Mark Witt
    • Joel Mark Witt
    • August 28, 2017 at 4:16 pm

    Why won’t you put your name on this comment? Why hide in the shadows of anonymous criticism?

    For me, this line of thinking is problematic.

    Who gets to decide how “too much money” is defined? You? The billionaires? Congress? The EU? This needs to be clear who gets to make these decisions.

    Why “shame” for wanting to do better and gain more resource? That seems counter to ethos of life affirmation.

    Does this worldview take into account that humans don’t measure things in absolute wealth? (For example – humans measure ourselves in relative wealth to others.)

    Would your logic also apply universally? Would you say that in a world of healthy and less-healthy – those that are healthy and have a desire to become more healthy should feel shame around that?

    Or should they only feel shame if they prevent others from becoming healthy?

    Thanks for the comment. And don’t be afraid to bring your real self to the conversation.

  • Joel Mark Witt
    • Joel Mark Witt
    • August 28, 2017 at 4:01 pm

    You are correct. Richard Nixon decoupled the US dollar to gold in 1971.

    In 1933 FDR signed executive order 6102 forbidding people to hoard gold/silver. Going back to the crash of 1929 – it seemed like Fiat money was inevitable.

    Thanks for the clarity. :-)

  • A listener
    • A listener
    • August 28, 2017 at 2:57 am

    In a world of haves and have nots, of course there is, and should be, shame on those who earn too much money

  • Charlene
    • Charlene
    • August 14, 2017 at 1:20 pm

    Great show! Money became fiat in the 70’s, not the 20’s, btw.

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