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In this episode, Joel and Antonia talk about your personal inner work to understand the value you bring to online content creation.

In this podcast you’ll find:

  • Denzel Mensah: The Future Of Typology (Interview with Joel & Antonia)
  • Podcast with Naval Ravikant and Joe Rogan
  • Our competition is in whose narrative is outdoing everyone else’s narrative
  • People have to stand out when they are applying for a job
  • It doesn’t matter if you want to be an influencer, you still have to learn how to spin a narrative if you’re going to compete in the job market.
  • Entertainment is the easiest way to attract attention
  • Then you need to motivate your audience toward action.
  • Next level is education – teaching people how to do what you do
  • The higher you go, the harder it gets.
  • Entertainment is easier than motivation.
  • Motivation is where a lot of the money is and requires more skill than entertainment
  • You have to cut through the noise
  • The most lucrative is education
  • Not just info but advice – how to do something
  • If you can blend all three of these, you are unstoppable.
  • Learn, create, broadcast
  • Advice is greater than information
  • Information is mostly free
  • We give away a ton of info for free here at Personality Hacker
  • Experience, advice and applied information is way more valuable than opinion and information
  • DIKW Podcast
  • Advice = wisdom gained thru time, experience, and leg work
  • Advice isn’t free because it wasn’t free for the person offering it.
  • What we think only matters to us. How we’ve applied the info and turned it into a more successful life is what attracts people.
  • Reference experience is important.
  • Opinions have less importance than real-world experience.
  • If you ask for value exchange, you’re going to have to give something of value.
  • Others value sound advice and wisdom.
  • Iconoclast = It’s tempting not to honor the giants that came before us.
  • There is nothing new under the sun.
  • We barely scratch the surface. There is so much more to learn.
  • Just because you can broadcast your opinion doesn’t mean that it’s more valid than someone who has studied a subject for decades.
  • It is so easy to create narrative without any training credentials or experience.
  • There are some people who have come before who are experts and have years of experience
  • Don’t have hubris and overvalue what you think you know.
  • You can believe whatever you want to, but if you’re going to become an influencer, you need to honor those who have come before.
  • People respond to us more because of our energy than our data.
  • Wisdom comes from honoring what has come before.
  • Find the right vibe by not assuming you know what you’re talking about but by putting things into practice and gaining the authority that people are looking for.
  • It’s hard to take energy out of context
  • Some people project a judgy know-it-all attitude, and that is the type of people they attract
  • PH attracts a ton of people who are re-evaluating their religious paradigm, and we repel people who are afraid to re-evaluate their belief systems.
  • When you want to be an influencer, you have to think about the quality of character you are as a person and the kind of person you want to attract.
  • Bake your energy into the content you create and realize you will attract the people who resonate with your energy.
  • If your audience is all negative, what energy are you putting out there?
  • Try harder
  • Type is the vehicle we are using to get the message of “Keep going” across.
  • Think about what you’re communicating and how you’re articulating it, and that will determine your audience.
  • Create value for other people
  • Value exchange = know the value you are bringing to the table.
  • Transition your communication from money to value.
  • What is your value?
  • Where do you come to the table with the value add that you have?
  • Visionary, Calibrator, Implementor
  • Your Mess is your Message Podcast
  • Visionary – sees down the road
  • Implementor – makes the vision happen
  • Calibrator – keeps everything on course
  • Where is your value?
  • Are you a visionary, implementor, or calibrator?
  • Integrator = Implementor
  • There are a lot of calibrators in the typology community.
  • “It’s not quite like that; it’s more like this.”
  • “What is a better way to think about this?”
  • Don’t forget the importance of test iterating and implementation.
  • Recalibrate after implementation
  • Figuring out our value is not just identifying where we’re at but also our blind spots and where we fit in the system.
  • Implementor framework “10 Steps to Lose Your Belly Fat.”
  • Visionary framework – Inspire people toward a better future.
  • Calibrator framework – helping people make nuanced tweaks in life to make their life/performance better (coaches)
  • Implementors have the most obvious value
  • Understand what component you bring to the table and which one you’re missing.
  • When you give enough value, it triggers reciprocity, and people want to return value
  • You are the product
  • You have to stay in alignment with the message you are giving to your audience.
  • Your audience can read hypocrisy.
  • It is hard to find people who are sincere and in alignment with their message.
  • Experience and advice trump opinion and information
  • Know the value you add and then transition it into a value exchange
  • Work for free to get more experience
  • If you don’t have any direction, don’t just give everything away for free.
  • Make sure you have a niche and can gain some learning from the experience
  • Working for free to get exposure isn’t the best way to go about it.
  • Give value before requesting it back.
  • Work for free if you know why you’re working for free. You have a target
  • There is no wasted effort if you are learning
  • Next episode Creation

In this episode Joel and Antonia talk about your personal inner work to understand the value you bring to online content creation. #influencer

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  • Joey
    • Joey
    • September 11, 2019 at 5:06 pm

    That bit about “energy” just killed it for me.
    It’s all about the vibes, isn’t it?

  • Antonia Dodge
    • Antonia Dodge
    • September 10, 2019 at 6:09 pm

    Here’s the link:

    Happy exploring. :)


  • Kelly
    • Kelly
    • September 10, 2019 at 5:17 pm

    Hey thanks for this excellent and well thought out episode, though I could say the same for pretty much all your shows! I appreciate you guys. Question for you — at one point Antonia mentioned that she had a link for a library of research on type that has been accumulated over time. Would you be willing to share that link? This is exactly what I’ve been wanting to dig around and find, and a library already compiled sounds like a dream!

    Thanks again guys!

  • Dayna
    • Dayna
    • September 6, 2019 at 6:02 pm

    As an INTP and new freelance writer just getting started in creating and growing my brand, Antonia said something that resonated with me so much. Something along the lines of “if you really want to know about wasted effort, try starting a business.” This is painfully true. The other day I couldn’t help but do a hard face-palm after realizing I had just spent 45 minutes attempting to find the “perfect” stock photo to put in a section of my website. Intentional allocation of time and effort, while often overlooked, is extremely valuable when starting a business. Good stuff guys!

  • Jeff
    • Jeff
    • August 26, 2019 at 12:07 am

    My working labels are INTJ with Perspectives in the Driver seat.
    Here’s what is rolling around in my head:
    I am exploring new ways to create value for others. I am wondering how to create content and provide value based upon my strength. Is a new perspective of enough value to receive value in return? How do I package perspective?

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